The inaugural FARTS walk in KNP.
46 Photos
A stroll over the Rolling Ground and on to Tin Hut.
35 Photos
A very wet trip where we share a hut with three equestrians.
38 Photos
Mt. Kosciuszko to Kiandra.
75 Photos
From Dead Horse Gap to the infant Murray River and back.
50 Photos
A big loop from Paton's to Wheeler's to Jagungal to Grey Mare, then back to Wheeler's and Paton's.
66 Photos
Started out with trying to find the Opera House Hut but fog on the main range changed that.
39 Photos
A stroll from Long Plain to Oldfield's via Coolamine and the Blue Waterholes.
52 Photos
A ramble around Tantangara Dam then up Mt. Tantangara.
57 Photos
Up Disappointment Spur to Tin Hut and back.
55 Photos
Along The Razorback to Mt. Feathertop and MUMC Hut, then down to Blair's and back.
A stroll up Mt. Bogong.
72 Photos
The Budawangs - The Pigeon and The Castle, and beyond.
58 Photos
A ramble up to Kidman's, attempt at Tin Hut and back to Davey's on The Snowy Plain.
14 Photos
A lazy walk this year.
69 Photos
Another visit to Mount Jagungal via Round Mountain and Mackay's Hut.
121 Photos
Back to Mt. Feathertop and MUMC Hut. Out via Bungalow Spur.
112 Photos