Chez Tezza
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April 2008
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A stroll from Long Plain to Oldfield's via Coolamine and the Blue Waterholes.
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Deciding where to go. Long Plain.
Long Plain Hut.
Cooinbil Hut.
Hainsworth Hut.
Bob prepares carpaccio. Hainswort Hut.
Nudes (Peter).
Tired from the walk.
Harris Hut.
Info on Harris Hut.
Harris Hut. Car windscreen as window. Hut since burnt down.
Harris Hut amongst the trees (photo by Peter).
Coolamine Buildings.
Serious Fun.
Chef Lorenzo.
Sous Chef preparing Creme Caramel (photo by Bob).
Voila! La creme caramel (photo by Peter).
Dessert chef in party attire (photo by Bob).
Contemplation (photo by Peter).
Very Happy Chappy (photo by Peter).
Cheese House, Coolamine.
On the road again.
Wide open spaces.
Bob and Pete ready to go.
Blue Waterhole.
Cave at Blue Waterholes (photo: Peter)
Ruins of Spencer's Hut.
What a life! (photo by Bob).
Pocket's Hut.
Full Pockets.
The Two Packed Monster.
Oldfield's Hut.
Happy Chappy (photo by Bob).
The tree that Oldfield's was built from.
The Meaning of Life (photo by Peter).
Hamburger without the works.
Richard Cranium.
Time to go.
Sunset, Old Currango. What peace!
Too hard.
Old newspapers lining walls. Old Currango.
Old Currango. Full moon.
Old Currango in the morning.
Moving out.
Bye Old Currango.
Do I have to move?
Nose job (photo by Bob).
Remains of Rules Point pub.
Mission completed.
The Paragon Cafe beckons.
FARTS with Con, Paragon Cafe owner (Goulburn).